Page 18 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 18

with a shield of armor wrapped around
        him, with a look in his eyes that dares
        anyone to make fun of him because

        he can’t read. It is not long before he
        becomes a behavior problem. Both Lisa

        and Sammy were referred to me. I knew
        better than to put them in with second
        graders therefore, I began to see them

        individually. It was necessary for me to
        take them back to the beginning, you see,

        they had never mastered the alphabet.

        Alphabetic principle work must be

        intensive in the beginning stages of
        reading. There have been many studies

        undertaken proving, if a child cannot
        read by third grade their chances of
        learning are reduced drastically. If,

        during this time of isolation you are
        noticing your child is not reading at a

        level you feel he/she should be reading,
        it is time for you to become a very loud
        advocate for your child.                               watch students and someone is encircling

                                                               them, you notice the child’s body
        Reading Strategies: how I would read                   language shows powerlessness. When

        with students.                                         you give a child their space and control
        If possible, I tried to have two copies of             of the book, their shoulders go back.
        the book we were reading. (With my                     Power is what I wanted my students

        small groups and individual students,                  to feel. The student begins to read. I
        I used picture books.) I pre-read the                  listen, and listen closely. I do not make

        book, made a list of vocabulary words                  corrections. The student will stumble
        and definitions they would not know,                   over words, but they have control of the

        which we went over before reading. How  book and will try to correct themselves.
        I sat with a student was important to                  Next, a second reading, I ask, “Would
        me. There was no sitting next to them,                 you like me to read or do you want to

        leaning over them, having my arm on the  read it again?” Typical responses I would
        back of their chair. (In my opinion, that              get would be, “No, I want to read it
        is for parent child cuddle time.) If you               again.” “Let’s take turns, you read a page

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