Page 17 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 17
the letter R come before or after the letter would write the consonant blend, “fr,”
G?” If there is hesitation, you know this beneath it the word ‘frog,’ then ‘from,’ etc.
is an area for reinforcement. It also tells I know kids still play Hopscotch. Instead
you they have not mastered the alphabet. of numbers use letters, consonant blends,
Without mastering the alphabet, they sight words, and as they play they have to
cannot decode words. Decoding words say what they land on.
is the ability of sounding out a word and
reading it. Another point I failed to stress Our children learn by involving all 5
last time is the need to involve physical senses, NOT by coloring in the lines of
activity in the learning process. If I ran a large letter G on a worksheet. Now to
the world kinder, first graders would have the second, third graders. Before giving
at least three thirty-minute recesses. The reading strategies, I would like to share
brain needs the body to join in the learning what I have learned from experience
process. IE: Tapping- Before beginning any regarding self-esteem/confidence and the
lesson create this game. Have your lesson struggling reader.
set out on the table. Before starting, sit
or stand facing each other and take both I will name my students Lisa and Sammy.
hands and begin “tapping” your forehead In first grade everything is wonderful.
with your fingers. Make it fun, make First graders help each other, hug each
faces, giggle. You don’t have to tell them other, read to each other. Then Sammy
by tapping your forehead you are bringing and Lisa move to second grade. The
blood to the frontal lobe of your brain year starts okay. As weeks pass, Lisa and
thereby increasing the effectiveness of your Sammy are seeing others progressing with
working memory. reading ability. The looks they get from
classmates are a little different when they
Activities ask, “What’s this word?” After Christmas,
Use the game Candy Land: decide if Sammy and Lisa are a little quieter. The
your child needs help with letter sounds, teacher lovingly reassures them they
consonant blends, or maybe sight words. will catch up, for some it just takes a
For example, write sight words on the little longer. What the teacher may not
color squares, play the game, before they realize is that inner voices have begun to
can move to the color square, they have defeat Sammy and Lisa. Confidence has
to say the word on the card. plummeted. Next, it is third grade and
Lisa has withdrawn, pretends to read
Another example I have used is taking books, will not ask for help. Her inner
paint samples that have multiple shades voice tells her she is too dumb to learn
of a color. At the top, lightest shade, I to read. Sammy has returned to school 17