Page 29 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
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each one wears a yellow star. (I had colored know more? Yes. Had I bypassed their
all the “Star of David’s yellow for impact.) working memory and thrown everything
As you continue, you pass more city streets, into overdrive into their long-term
cars, and buildings - you have seemed to memories? Absolutely! They were
have been transformed into a different primed to learn. We worked with maps,
world, a different time in history. novels, picture books, old newspapers,
even my Ancestry account was helpful.
Throughout your walk around the walls
you hear fellow students shouting out. Each student was given a small, school
“Where is the computer, TV?” “What did size picture of a child of the Holocaust
a radio do?” “Why did women paint lines with instructions to research what was
on the back of their legs?” “What are happening in their child’s hometown.
the words painted on the buildings with They became attached to their “my
broken glass?” “Everyone wears a hat.” child” creating a special page for him/
“What do the yellow stars mean?” “Why her, writing endearing descriptives about
are people getting on a train with no how they looked. On the last day of the
windows?” The questions and comments unit each student learned whether or
were endless yet with each class it was not their child survived the camps. They
the same. Then, we began our journey. made the decision to create a memorial
of their children in the hallway.
A point that needs to be mentioned, I was
very delicate in my approach to this unit and At the time I started doing this unit, my
all approvals had been granted. There were daughter, a G/T* teacher, remarks, “You
no symbols, no politics involved. My goal was know mom, all this could have been
to show a time in history from the perspective done online.” She is correct. It could
of a child, such as Anne Frank and so many have been an online project. But, could
others who have recorded their experiences technology have replaced the feeling
during history. I am a staunch believer that if each student had as they held a picture
we do not teach our history, we are in danger of “my child” in the palm of their hand?
of repeating it. We cannot hide from the past, A computer will never replace that
only learn from it. When I was a child, my experience. Incorporating technology in
dad told me each new generation becomes learning is important, but I feel children
more caring and respectful of human life. are getting over-saturated with it in their
History needs to be used in order to teach us other subjects at school and also at home.
to be better humans.
*GT stands for Gifted and Talented. In
After touring the city streets laid out many school districts, students who are in
before them in the classroom, were G/T programs are given a more rigorous
the students hooked and wanting to curriculum. 29