Page 33 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 33

The Iditarod Race  Where to begin? Maybe the best             research and bring in a little science

                                                               about this unique phenomenon. Take
        beginning is to share a little background
        information. The Iditarod Race begins                  your time with everything you do in a

 Immersion Reading Unit  on the first Saturday of March each year.  reading unit. There is no rush. As you
        This is the unit I would do with students  move along you will think of more you
        after Christmas break. It can easily be                would like to add. Your students will
        done any time of year. Mushers are in                  guide you with their questions. That is

        the process of preparing and training                  how some of mine have built up over the
        their dog teams now for the 2021 race.                 years. Students wanting to know more.

        We did not read a specific novel with
        this unit. The novels were available for               Next, delve into the history of what
        students to read on their own time, and                started the Race with the reading of

        they did read them. My reasoning for not  The Great Serum Race . What was
        reading a novel was due to the Iditarod                diphtheria? What would have happened

        educational website having so much                     if medicine had not arrived? I just
        information and activities available.                  thought of another question. How
        This is the unit where I did embrace                   was this similar to the pandemic we

        technology. This is also a good unit for               are dealing with today? Wow, a good
        parents to get into the swing of teaching              compare/contrast notation to be made

        in a multisensory way, to find techniques  in their reading journal. Also a good
        your child responds to as a learner.                   text to self exercise. A student could
        This unit can be used from 4th grade to                respond with their own experience of

        middle school. A suggestion, in order                  COVID-19. How are we waiting for a
        to align what you are teaching to the                  vaccine just as they were waiting for

        dreaded state test use the terminology                 medicine? My mind is clicking, if I
        such as, cause and effect, compare and                 were in the classroom I would turn this
        contrast, inference, problem/solution                  into a writing activity where students

        etc. They will be learning what they need  could express their feelings about our
        without the use of worksheets.                         pandemic today and be able to relate

                                                               to what was happening to people
        Geography Questions - Where is Alaska?  in Alaska’s past. It would be a good
        Where is Alaska in relation to where you  emotional release and a good Text to

        are? What is the geography of Alaska?                  World prompt. These units are fluid
        What is climate? We are looking at maps,  and able to grow and change with the

        posters, photos and any visual that shows  current events and needs of the students
        Alaska’s terrain. What is unique about                 in your home or classroom.
        Alaska? The Aurora Borealis. Discuss,

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