Page 36 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 36

Teaching with Picture Books

        Having spent my entire 20 year teaching  silent read. The comfort and excitement
        career in Title I schools, (low socio-                 they felt when discussing books was eye
        economic), struggling readers far                      opening and inspiring. The teacher knew

        outnumbered grade level readers. Every                 the reading capabilities of every one of her
        year, the first week of school I would hear  students and the students felt comfortable

        the same thing from students, “I hate to               at every reading level.
        read.” “I heard you are a mean teacher.”
        “I’m not going to read.” My translation of  It became my goal to instill that same

        all this was, “I am afraid you are going to  passion for reading in my students and
        find out I can’t read.”                                I quickly learned it was not going to

                                                               happen with the state mandated reading
        It was fortunate for me; to do my student              textbook. My quest was to search for
        teaching with a second grade reading                   what was really working for reading

        teacher in a magnet school the classroom               teachers throughout the country. It was
        was all about reading, nothing but reading.  then that I discovered Lucy Calkins and

        There was so much excitement about                     incorporated some of her techniques in
        books the students were excited to walk in             my teaching. I made the decision to teach
        her door. There were no desks in this room,  from novels and picture books exclusively,

        just reading nooks throughout and an open  I never regretted that decision.
        area for group reads. It was a space created

        with readers in mind. The teacher would                Picture Books
        read to the class, students would read to              Gone are the days where picture books are
        the class, read to the teacher, partner read,          only for little children. Today they can be

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