Page 39 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 39

First Journal entry
        Student divides a page into four squares,

        labeling each square with a prompt
        from his post it note. The fourth square

        can be labeled with a number of titles,
        depending on skills you want to explore.
        It can be making an inference, I Infer.

        Finding the Problem/Conflict. For this
        particular book I would title the fourth

        square, Sensory/Imagery. Instructing the
        student note where there was imagery
        that applied to the senses. How do you

        feel the color blue? Is an example.

        Journal Entry Example:                                 The results of a properly executed picture
        _______________________________                        book lesson are that the classroom enjoys
        WOW!                                                   a good book and student discussion

        It is amazing a boy who is blind can get               is meaningful and thought provoking.
        on a horse and ride it, and through the                Students are able to make an emotional

        mountains too                                          connection to the story and form their
        Blue Horses!                                           own questions about what they want
        _______________________________                        to learn. They also made predictions,

        I Wonder.                                              inferences, pointed out the setting, found
        I wonder how the grandpa trained the                   the problem and conflict in the story

        horse to know where to go during the                   and were able to have successful peer to
        race? The boy couldn’t guide him because               peer conversations about the book. All
        he is blind. How long would it take to                 of these skills are required to be learned

        train a horse to do that?                              for the state test, and these students
                                                               were able to do it without having to

        Second Journal entry                                   read a boring passage and answer ten
        On the next page of the journal student                questions at the end. Each student had
        draws a large five pointed star, labeling              a wow moment from the book, they

        each point one of the five senses. Inside              began to wonder about an event, and
        each point they are to write an example                asked questions they formed while

        of each sense found in the story.                      reading the story. This allowed each
                                                               student ownership oftheir learning. I just
                                                               facilitated, helped as needed and stood
                                                               back as they worked.

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