Page 42 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 42
time when a student needs structure more
than ever before. They will respond better
if alerted to any unexpected changes to
their daily routine. It is my feeling the first
semester back in the classroom should
be focused on the emotional health of
students. For the past months their bodies
have been producing increased amounts
of the stress hormones (cortisol and
norepinephrine) into their bloodstream.
These hormones affect their higher
order thinking, working memory and
problem solving skills. With care and
patience dopamine levels will increase
creating a normal hormonal balance. We
can see success in the classroom again,
if we take time and focus energy on the
emotional well being of the students after
experiencing such historical events.
We are blessed with the care of
children, may we guide them gently
with a loving light.