Page 38 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 38

feelings and need a place to feel it is safe           Pre-reading activity . Look at both the
        to express emotions. It is very easy for               front and back of the book in order to

        a parent or teacher to go online type in               make a prediction of what the story is
        the name of a picture book or novel and                about. Discuss predictions in detail.

        find worksheets with skills aligned to the             Ask questions. What clues give you
        state test. Therefore, it is not my intention  information? Next, I give instructions
        to repeat what is easy to locate. It is my             for post it notes. On each post it note

        intent to suggest a better, sensory way for            they write on of the following: W.O.W.,
        a student to learn the much needed skill               I Wonder, Makes me think and Sensory

        of making a connection to a text.                      Imaging. As they listen to the story
                                                               they are to jot on the corresponding
        Book: Knots on a Counting Rope by                      post it note a response to the prompt.

        Bill Martin and John Archmbault                        Many additional prompts can be used, I
        Appropriate Grade Levels: 3rd.                         think, I learned, etc. When reading both

        to 5th. If used as a read aloud with                   nonfiction and fiction prompts might be,
        accompanying activity.                                 Text to Text, Text to Self, Text to World.
        Supplies: Composition notebook, to

        be used as their reading journal, post it              A fact teachers in Title I schools quickly
        notes, colored pencils.                                learn is many of the students have never

        Reading Journal: There are many ways                   been outside a thirty mile radius of their
        suggested on the internet in setting up a              home. This is shocking to new teachers
        student reading journal. Your choice is                to discover students who have never

        a personal preference, I did not require               felt sand between their toes on a beach.
        students to do anything elaborate. The first  One of the many reasons a multi sensory

        page includes their name and pertinent                 reading unit is so effective.
        information to be in as creative a style as
        they want. Students did tend to get creative  First read

        and colorful. Whether you are teaching in              I do the first read with expression to
        the classroom or at home it is important               the whole class. We pause for questions,

        for them to have a feeling of ownership                comments and short discussions.
        for this journal. This is also a good way to           Second read
        suggest they create a journal for personal             If I am in the classroom a student will always

        use at home. They leave two pages at the               volunteer to read. If at home, one on one, it
        beginning for a table of contents. The title           is the decision of the child, alternate reading

        page for each book (picture book or novel)  pages, but let them know they will have to
        we are reading is always on the left hand              eventually read it out loud. On the second
        page. It includes, title, author, genre, to be         read students are instructed to listen for

        colorful, bold, and creative.                          anything having to do with the five senses.
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