Page 26 - June 2021
P. 26

difficulties ahead.  This way of seeing life  your resistance to go inward that prevents
        creates the nearsightedness.                           your healing. Your true sight is in the third

                                                               eye. Going inward and activating your
        Those that are farsighted aren’t being                 third eye gives you inner clarity, enlightens

        flexible and looking at life as a whole.               your mind to a higher understanding. It is
        They are getting stuck on the little or                the light that leads your way.
        unimportant things in life endnote

        seeing what is right in front of them.                 Vasiliki

                                                               Medicine Woman
        Cataracts represent how you are seeing                 Vasiliki is the visionary and sage behind
        your life diminish and you can’t or refuse             Teaching Spirit Retreat Centers.  An intuitive
        to see things clearly.                                 healer, mother, and spiritual leader, she

                                                               is a multi-faceted individual who has
        Before eye problems manifest in the                    transformed her entire being through

        physical, they begin in the spirit, in your            profound teachings and life experiences. With
        mind’s eye. Spiritually they are allowing              her uncanny ability to use her natural born
        you to look inward more than outward.                  gifts and innate wisdom to balance all aspects

                                                               of life, she freely shares love, light, and service.
        So, how you see life can either unveil or

        blind you. It is your choice to remain in the                             Sign Up for
        dark or to see clearly. It is your own denial,                         Vasiliki’s Events

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