Page 24 - June 2021
P. 24
Un-Blind Spirituality
Your Eye Health Depends on
How You See Life
Perspective of a Medicine Woman
When my mother was 50 years old, she something like that?
was diagnosed with the onset of macular
degeneration. By the time she turned I watched my Mom lose her eyesight,
65, she was blind. I worked very hard to and I witnessed her develop and use her
help her keep her eyesight, but nothing third eye to see: she took perfect pictures
helped. I was successful in helping her with her camera - yes, group photos too
avoid heart surgery. I got her diabetes and left no one out. She painted pictures,
under control without medicine, but made beautiful cards, and knitted hats
for some reason, no matter what we for cancer patients. More importantly,
tried, she still lost most of her eyesight. toward the end of her life, going inward
Why? Why wouldn’t anything help? As gave her the opportunity to heal many
I attentively listened, one day the answer hurts in her life that she never wanted
came. It was, “It is time for her to go to face. I witnessed the miracle of my
inward, learn to use her third eye, and Mom’s eyesight coming back! Before she
identify the behaviors that were feeding died at the age of 83, she could see with
the blindness. Change the attitude, the all three eyes.
blame, and judgement game. Go inward
and look at yourself. Own your life. Your eyes are how you see life. It is
Don’t blame others for the decisions you how you perceive what is going on.
made - it leaves you stuck. Face your The quality of your eyesight represents
weaknesses. Find the growth in your how you are viewing life. When you
mistakes. And nurture and nourish don’t want to see things, you create
yourself with nutritional food and love.” false perceptions of what is right or
Wow, how do you tell your mother wrong, good or bad, and sway from