Page 20 - June 2021
P. 20

Holistic Health

       Introduction to


          Ayurveda is gaining popularity in the  Who invented it? When were the ancient
        Western world for a number of reasons.  ayurvedic texts written? …Read on to
         It is a holistic form of medicine with a  discover the answers to these and other

           long history and time-tested results.               historical questions.

        ‘Ayur’ means life and ‘veda’ means                     The story of Ayurveda begins with
        knowledge, so Ayurveda is the knowledge  Lord Brahma, who is the creator of the
        or science of life. It is a comprehensive,             universe per Hindu mythology. Brahma

        holistic approach to treating the body-                taught the science of Ayurveda to his
        mind-spirit and incorporates all types                 son, Daksha Prajapati, who went on to

        of healing modalities (diet, herbs,                    teach the Ashwini Kumaras, known as the
        water, metals, gems, yoga, breathing,                  twin physicians of heaven. They, in turn,
        acupressure, etc.) for bringing the body               passed it on to Lord Indra, the ruler of the

        back into alignment. Ayurveda was the                  Heavens. Up until this point, Ayurveda
        first organized medical system and laid                existed only in the heavenly realm.

        the framework for medical practices
        around the world today. But how did this               In the meantime, people on earth had
        amazing and ancient system get started?                begun suffering from many diseases,

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