Page 22 - June 2021
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especially with the mass marketing of will flourish. Food habits, lifestyle, sleep,
‘quick-fix’ allopathic pills during the daily and seasonal routines, with period
Industrial Revolution. The New Age internal cleansing are far more effective
movement which began in the U.S. in than expensive medicines, to maintain
the 1970s, proved people were seeking good health.
personalized systems of healing that were
ethical, spiritual, and holistic in nature.
Ayurvedic, along with other modalities, Uma Hingorani
fit the bill perfectly. Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ashoka Holistic
Ayurveda, LLC
Today, people are still drawn to Ayurveda
as a form of holistic medicine that treats References:
the whole person, including body, mind, 1. Daksha - Wikipedia
senses, emotions and spirit. The “one- 2. The 4 Purusharthas: Dharma, Kama,
cause-one-cure” approach of Allopathy, Moksha, & Artha (
which focuses on treating symptoms, 3. Brhat Trayi - Wikipedia
4. Laghu Trayi – The lesser trio of Ayurvedic
simply is not enough. Whereas Ayurveda Treatises (
works on the premise, that if the roots 5. Sushruta and Indian rhinoplasty | ENT &
are nourished and watered, the plant Audiology News (