Page 15 - June 2021
P. 15
Choosing which essential oil to use in each situation,
on any given day is a simple as discerning what
impact you seek:
→ I want to sleep better.
→ I want to feel more energetic.
→ I want clarity of thought and to focus on the task at hand.
→ I want to feel centered and calm in all situations!
→ I want to enjoy pain-free active days!
→ I want to nourish my body with healthy food,
vitamins, and minerals.
→ I want to minimize nibbling and snacking to achieve
healthy weight goals.
→ I want my lifestyle to support important wellness goals,
like healthy immune, digestive, and metabolic functions.
Here’s the good news: There’s an oil for that!
Gifts of Lemon Essential Oil
Citrus oils are packed full of therapeutic benefits
at pennies per drop, making them incredibly cost
Cleansing Properties of Lemon essential oil:
• Place fruit or vegetables in water with 2-4 drops to
clean thoroughly before eating and add a refreshing
taste too!
• Add 4-6 drops to a large spray bottle filled with distilled
water to cleanse countertops, cutting boards. This
mixture can also neutralize unpleasant odors.
• Clean and shine woodwork, bathroom, and kitchen
fixtures with 4-6 drops on a clean dry cloth.
• Remove adhesive or gum from surfaces by dripping
1-2 drops and gently wiping with a clean cloth. This
can also help to remove gum from your child’s hair or
sticky substances from your hands!
• Clean your dry-erase board with a drop of this magic
essential oil! 15