Page 13 - June 2021
P. 13
Often I was so exhausted when I arrived which is vital for helping us to detoxify
that I just wanted to unload my music our bodies and to keep them in harmony.
equipment and flop into bed. I was
suffering from sore throats on a regular You could add an essential oil or even a
basis back then and my brilliant doctor blend to this bath. A great way to get the
suggested a couple things for me to try. essential oil to disperse into water is to place
it in a handful of Epsom salt and squish it
First was to always make an effort to into the salt before placing it in the water.
wash my hair — no matter how tired I This way the oil disperses more readily and
was — and if I had to get into my bed for won’t just cling to the sides of the tub.
some sleep to keep my head wrapped in
a towel. He said that the smoke from the Give yourself the gift of a few days of
places where I was playing was in my hair, this detoxifying bathing ritual and I am
getting into my pillow, and irritating my sure you will find yourself sleeping more
sinuses. As soon as I started practicing deeply, feeling more rested, having better
this I didn’t have any more sore throats! digestion, and experiencing a higher
level of happiness!
He also recommended that when I
started feeling tired or like I really Ambika Devi
needed to clean off — not just my hair
but my skin — to take a bath for at least Ambika Devi is an
20 minutes in tepid to very warm water international award
with one pound of Epsom salts which winning best-selling
is magnesium sulfate, and one pint of at author, expert astrologer,
least 2% food grade hydrogen peroxide. meditation Jedi, speaker
and storyteller on a
I mix my own hydrogen peroxide as peace mission to help you step out of the
I keep 35% food grade on hand for churning river of thoughts and activity of
cleaning vegetables, cleaning things the mind, stop wearing insane schedules
around the house, and of course these like badges of honor, and begin your days
detox baths. reinforced with the calmness a meditation
practice brings. Visit her at:
Just the Epsom salt and hydrogen
peroxide on their own are a great
detoxification and incredibly supportive
for any kind of internal cleansing. It is Contact Ambika
important for us to realize that our skin
is part of a system mothered by the lungs 13