Page 11 - June 2021
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craving for junk food, feeling unwell cultivation of internal energy. Mark loves
and not getting enough sleep can be nature and has had wilderness experiences
transformed into a regenerative cycle of in Alaska, Arizona and Hawaii.
letting go of judgments, directly facing
and healing inner fears, being drawn His work experience has included working
to healthy food, aligning with our life in the HIV/AIDS social services and medical
force rather than over-thinking, getting fields. He has undergone extensive training
enough exercise and sleep, and sensing the in various forms of body and energy healing,
glimmer of true Love, directly from the as well as training and retreats pertaining
Universe, within. We then begin to live the to awakening human consciousness. He has
life we were destined to discover when we been on numerous group and solitary retreats
made that first small, inspired step to lean including a Self-directed 8-year retreat.
away from the fear-based lies of the ego/
mind into the Loving arms of the Universe. Mark has been a healer on a professional
level since 1993 and has been doing
Mark Okita spiritually oriented Energy Work for the
Mark Okita is a born past 20 years. His specialty now is distance
energy healer and his healing and telephone sessions.
diverse life experiences
have further expanded
and refined those gifts. He Submit your questions
trained for many years in the martial
arts with an emphasis on meditation and 11