Page 10 - June 2021
P. 10
and reassured followers who were enraged
and wanted to resort to violence. Jesus
saying “forgive them for they know not
what they do” is this same principle, a way
of saying, “if you want true Power and
Liberation, you need to first align yourself
WITHIN rather than blaming others.”
Judgment is never a true life purpose. If
our attention and energy is engaged with
blaming and criticizing others, we will not
be able to see and embrace our highest
and truest calling, which is the source of
authentic power and satisfaction.
Q: Can you give any specific
recommendations of how to attain • Affirming rightness is a way of avoiding
inner fears
the kind of equanimity, courage • When negative judgments are dropped,
and unconditional love that you Life is realized to be inherently good and
are talking about? beautiful.
• It is okay to Trust Life! It is a calling
Yes, and I would add vibrant and higher than all the things we worry about.
resilient health to that list! Here are some • Take the high road of relaxation and
recommendations which can be used as acceptance, rather than the low road
affirmations: of mistrust and blame. You will go into
higher and higher states of well-being
• Letting go of judgment is a simple and • Lighten up – feeling at ease is its own
powerful act of Liberation reward. As a bonus, it will also allow for
• Place attention on anything other clearer seeing and more effective action
than judgments, such as breathing and (or non-action).
feeling body aliveness. In that breath and • Laugh more – especially at ourselves!
aliveness is the security and peace we are • It is a good thing that we cannot control
looking for. others and the world, for there is a Higher
• Emotions tell us what is going on Love and Intelligence that is taking us
INSIDE of us, not what is true about the infallibly to an unimaginable Happiness
world or other people. They are cues to
do inner healing, not judge or attack the Everything is interconnected. An
world and others. inflammatory cycle of negative thoughts,