Page 9 - June 2021
P. 9
other people for our sense of identity
and well-being. Be aware of when our
minds are whipping up inner turmoil
and choose a different response. Focus
on something else. Learn to differentiate
between real challenges and imagined
ones. It is quite a revelation when we see
that the imaginary stories in the head
have a very real effect on our physical
and emotional well-being. Even real
challenges are made even more difficult
and scary with inflammatory thinking.
Conversely, our ability to respond
clearly and effectively is enhanced
when we are calm and at-ease. We may
even begin to enjoy our challenges as
opportunities to affirm and express our
new-found Trust and Love of Life.
Q: What about standing up for
equal rights or fighting to save the
environment – are you saying that
is the primary way we connect with that is a form of inflammation and
friends and acquaintances – talking is bad?
about everything that we feel is
wrong or bad in the world. This Nothing is ever bad. That is the whole
absolutely breeds more fear and has no point. It is a matter of what will bring
redeeming value whatsoever. Engaging about the best outcome, both inwardly
in complaining and gossiping is the and outwardly. Being steadfast, having
equivalent of eating the unhealthiest courage, conviction, dedication and
junk food, devoid of any nutritional serving a higher purpose all contribute
value and full of toxic chemicals. to accomplishing a goal and bringing
about positive change. These qualities are
Seeing this is the first step to Healing, not the result of the inflammatory states
Liberation and true Empowerment. It of judgment, fear and hate. Mahatma
is the only path that will result in no Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Bobby
longer being beholden to the world or Kennedy, and Nelson Mandala all calmed 9