Page 13 - January 2025
P. 13

in 1582 with the Gregorian calendar,                 Little-Known Facts About Calendars
      which refined leap year rules. It                          The Roman Calendar’s Erratic Start:

      omitted leap years for years divisible                     Before the Julian reform, the Roman

      by 100, unless divisible by 400. This                      calendar was notoriously chaotic.
      system corrected the drift and                             Months varied in length, and years

      remains the most widely used                               could be extended or shortened at

      calendar today.                                            political whim. In fact, the year 46 BCE,
                                                                 known as the “Year of Confusion,”

      The Mayan Marvel                                           lasted 445 days to realign the

      The Mayan civilization developed one                       calendar.

      of the most sophisticated calendrical                      The Missing Days of 1752: When Britain
      systems in the ancient world. Their                        adopted the Gregorian calendar in

      Long Count calendar, which tracked                         1752, they had to adjust by skipping 11

      time in 394-year periods called                            days. People went to bed on

      baktuns, famously ended a cycle on                         September 2 and woke up on
      December 21, 2012. Contrary to                             September 14, leading to public outcry

      popular “end-of-the-world” myths,                          and myths of riots demanding the

      this date marked the beginning of a                        return of “lost” days.
      new cycle, akin to resetting a cosmic                      The French Revolutionary Calendar: In

      odometer.                                                  1793, France adopted a decimal-based

                                                                 calendar to reflect Enlightenment

                                                                 ideals. It divided the year into 12
                                                                 months of 30 days, with 10-day weeks.

                                                                 The system was abandoned in 1805

                                                                 due to its impracticality.

                                                                 Ethiopian Timekeeping: Ethiopia uses a
                                                                 calendar based on the Coptic system,

                                                                 which has 13 months: 12 of 30 days

                                                                 and a 13th month of 5 or 6 days.
                                                                 Interestingly, their calendar is about

                                                                 seven years behind the Gregorian


                                                                                                         My Indigo Sun - 13
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