Page 10 - January 2025
P. 10
occurred in Snake years. US term challenges are enhanced during
participation in major global Snake years. They are a time to nurture
conflicts also coincides with Snake inner strength and to build/cultivate
years. We entered World War I in new relationships, and best used to
1917, World War II in 1941, The Viet focus on personal growth and
Nam War in 1965, and the global transformation, and to pursue goals
War on Terrorism (Operation with patience and diligence.
Enduring Freedom against Paradoxical in nature, Snake years
Afghanistan) in 2001. Other notable coincide with extremes of fortune,
events that occurred during Snake where there is the equal chance for
Years were the first space walk catastrophic loss as there is for
(1965), the invention of The unimaginable gain. Snake can open
Internet (1965), the toppling of the doors to reveal valuable insight into
Berlin Wall (1989), both Harry the “The Great Mystery” and the riches
Potter and The Lord of the Rings of untapped potential, previously
Trilogy hit the big screen, and the resting dormant in the unconscious.
discovery of Chiron, the “Wounded On the other hand, a less mystical,
Healer”, a celestial body of great more practical approach, healthy
importance to astrologers (1977)! skepticism, attention to detail, and
careful analysis are likely to win the
Snake years are good years for day in many situations this year. As life
introspection, self-reflection, and unfolds throughout 2025, may you
the kind of self-discovery that know only the best of Snake’s promise
comes from the integration of the and end the year wiser, wealthier,
many bits of wisdom, insight and healthier, and more whole than you
self-awareness we have gleaned began it. Wishing you and yours a
over the past several years. joyous New Year, filled with wonderful
Thoughtful action, creative accomplishments, growth of only the
problem-solving and the ability to gentle kind, and all the joy and love you
conquer both current and long- will allow!
By Kimberly McSherry
10- My Indigo Sun