Page 6 - January 2025
P. 6

What To Expect in 2025?
    2025 isn’t just a year - it’s a portal, a                      the 2024 election, marks a

    gateway to transformation. It’s your                          continuation of a dynamic and

    chance to declutter your life, from clearing unpredictable political landscape.
    out closets to releasing grudges and                          Whether seen as a challenge or

    outdated beliefs. As the months unfold,                       opportunity, his leadership reflects

    especially October through December, the the essence of a Universal Year 9:

    winds of change will pick up speed. Don’t                     things often feel unsettled before
    fight it - lean into it.                                      clarity emerges. The collective task

                                                                  will be navigating these shifts with

    Change rarely arrives neatly tied with a                      patience, perspective, and balance

    bow. It’s often messy, unexpected, and                        amidst extremes.
    exactly what you need. The key is staying

    open-minded. Say "yes" to opportunities                       Similarly, the cultural ripple effects of

    and, more importantly, to yourself. Make                      the #MeToo movement are likely to
    time for what you enjoy, and trust that                       solidify, reshaping views on gender

    every shift - whether planned or                              equality. Idealism will rise, inspiring

    surprising- is paving the way for something communities to aim higher, though

    better.                                                       opposition will test resolve. Amid the
                                                                  turbulence, this year invites us to

    On a collective level, 2025 wraps up a                        confront fears of losing control and

    cycle that began in 2017. Donald Trump’s                      embrace empathy, compassion, and

     return to office in January, following                       understanding as guiding principles.

    6 - My Indigo Sun
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