Page 8 - January 2025
P. 8

The Chinese Year of the Yin Wood Snake

                            From January 29, 2025– February 16, 2026

       The Chinese New Year ushers in a                        almost all indigenous cultures are
       new cycle each year on the day                         powerful symbols of mysticism,

       following the New Moon of Aquarius.                    mystery, healing, and untapped

       This year, on January 29, 2025 the                     potential. By virtue of its ability to shed

       Year of the Wood Snake begins. For                     its outgrown skin, Snake is a powerful
       the sake of comparison, previous                       symbol of evolution, rebirth and

       Snake years occurred in 2013, 2001,                    renewal. Sacred to the Goddess

       1989, 1977, 1965 (the last Wood                        principle, Snake is strongly aligned with
       Snake), 1953, 1941, 1929, and 1917.                    healing, especially those healing

       The Snake is the sixth sign of the                     modalities that involve the resourceful

       Chinese Zodiac, aligned with the                       use and adaptation of natural
       astrological sign of Virgo and Snake                   elements, like herbs, roots, food, and

       years do tend to mirror qualities in                   environments, to promote cures for

       keeping with the nature of that sign,                  disease and balance body, mind and

       like the need to apply careful                         soul. Its ability to move seamlessly both
       analysis, organization, adaptability,                  above and below the ground endows

       and resourcefulness to our everyday                    Snake with access to the hidden secrets

       lives.                                                 (mysteries) and buried treasure

                                                              (untapped potential) of the
       Unlike Western mythology, where
       Snake is often feared and associated                   Snake years often coincide with

       with evil and treachery (i.e. the                      circumstances that require us to act

       Serpent in the Garden of Eden or the                   strategically, plan carefully, get
       proverbial “snake in the grass”),                      organized, proceed with caution,

       mythic representations of snake in
                                                              exercise patience, and be

                                                              flexible/resilient. Sometimes we

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