Page 31 - June 2022
P. 31

microbes “pre-digesting” the food,
        the flavor profile and texture changes.                This site is a great resource for learning

        Fermentation helps create chocolate,                   what is “in season” in your region -
        cheese, yogurt, and kombucha, as well          The

        as pantry staples like sauerkraut, kimchi,  limitation of this site is that it covers only
        sourdough bread and vinegar.                           the USA.
        6. Preserving in Salt and Sugar

        Salt and sugar draw liquid out of the                  Russia and Ukraine together supply more
        food. This interferes with microbe                     than a quarter of the world’s wheat, and

        growth, as bacteria and molds need                     the current conflict puts at risk the supply
        water to grow.                                         of flour and flour-based foods, like pasta,
        7. Immersion in Alcohol                                in many regions of the world. No need to

        Like salt and sugar, alcohol draws water               panic and rush to the stores to stock up
        out of food, inhibiting microbe growth.                on flour bags or boxes of lasagna sheets,

        You can submerge small amounts of                      but some reasonable measures should be
        food completely in the hard liquor of                  considered and taken.
        your choice, and they will store almost

        indefinitely.                                          Tips for storing flour:
        8. Vinegar Pickling                                    Flour is tricky to store long term. It’s

        Microbes can’t survive in a high acid                  best to store it in a cool, dark place,
        environment, so vinegar can be used                    preferably in the original packaging. You
        for food preservation without heating/                 can store flour in a fridge or freezer too.

        canning.                                               To prevent flour from being infested
                                                               with bugs or moth, use bay leaves. Place

        Two more popular ways of preserving,                   bay leaves on the bags, around the bags,
        immersion in olive oil and freeze drying,  and on the shelves of your entire pantry.
        will be discussed in the future editions of  Once you open

        My Indigo Sun.                                         the flour bag,
                                                               place the magic

        How to choose what food to preserve                    bay leaves in the
        when?                                                  bags too.
        When we speak about vegetables, fruit

        and other produce, the best way to                     Please share with us your best techniques
        determine what to preserve is to follow                and recipes. Help us to make our

        the season. Seasonal produce has the                   community feel well and safe.
        most nutrients and so gives the most
        health benefits.                                       My Indigo Sun team

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