Page 10 - Teaching Reading With Heart
P. 10
Character Study
We read to learn about characters in a sto- creative way to begin a dialogue exploring
ry; how they evolve throughout the plot the pandemic, their emotional responses,
the author weaves for the reader. Before and the changes they feel within. I would
beginning to read a new novel or picture ask them to draw themselves as two heart
book I would instruct students to draw children and set up the page.
two of our ‘heart people’. The first heart
person would have arrows pointing to Next, we would discuss the emotions
the heart. This represents the character at they felt when school and stores were
the beginning of the story and emotions/ closed leaving them isolated at home.
feelings coming from the outside world Next, I would ask them to record what
into the heart of the character. The second feelings came from the outside world
heart person will have arrows pointing into their hearts at that time. I suspect
from the inside of the heart outwards. words such as scared, confused, and
This represents the character at the end of stressed would be at the top of the list.
the story and how the emotions/feelings Then, I would ask them, “Now that
that were inputted by the outside world at you are back in school how have those
the beginning have changed the character feelings changed, and how have you
and have become permanent traits. changed?” I think the responses might
be stronger, cautious, and smarter. I say
The reason this has come about is because these words because that is what I saw
if I were in the classroom today, I would in the children from first to fifth grade.
do this lesson with children using them- They have forever changed. They have
selves as the character study. My prem- grown. I am curious how they will carry
ise would be to assist children in a more these profound changes into adulthood.