Page 7 - Teaching Reading With Heart
P. 7

Just imagine how the wiring in a child’s               right brain in learning. If we don’t make
        evolved brain is different at birth then               drastic changes soon, our children will

        our own. Mother Nature prepares us                     continue to be disengaged, unmotivated
        with tools we will need in life; it is the             students. It is time for Universities to

        obligation of the adults in a child’s life to  teach future educators the neuroscience
        teach how to use those tools.                          of education; teach how the brain learns,
                                                               what areas to activate in a struggling

        Think for a moment, we are not that far                student. It is time to learn how to
        off from the year 2050, are we properly                engage a students’ mind and heart in

        preparing our children? Look back at the  their education allowing them to take
        history of education in our country, it is             ownership of their own learning.
        still the antiquated, patriarchal system

        that it began as. We all know this planet              Imagine a world where every educator
        will look very different in the future,                was a neuroscientist-educator and knew

        how remains to be seen. Will we still be               the workings of a child’s brain, and knew
        graduating students from high school                   how to touch their hearts; where the best
        without a single skill but the ability to              and brightest future teachers clamored

        pass a standardized test? We are twenty                to be educators; where salaries honored
        years into the 21st century and these                  the sacredness of teaching our young to

        children are begging educators to engage  build a better future. If we can accomplish
        their rewired brains for success in life.              this task, we will remove boundaries and
        Begging to be allowed to engage their                  roadblocks for our children’s future.

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