Page 4 - Teaching Reading With Heart
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My background is an eclectic one. Born me to classes of David A Sousa EdD., a
in Texas, I was raised in the world of neuroscientist. Another area I became
nature, farming, ranching and books. As specialized in Orthography. Orthography
a child, my library card was my personal is the study of letters and how words
key for entry into wondrous worlds. My have a phonological and semantic
fascination with the music of words is identity, each controlled by a different
still with me today. location in the brain. Orthographic
deficit in one these areas is the other
When I made the decision to return reason children struggle to read. (read
to school in order to earn a teaching Tommy’s Story)
certification, it was my love of words
that I desired to share with students. As In addition to my training, I have
a teacher, it soon became apparent there scoured books, the internet and any
was groundwork to be done in order for source that will assist me to help a child
students to reach their fullest potential. learn to read with pride.
So, began my quest to search for any and
all tools to help them. Overall, I had a very rewarding 20+
years of teaching, helping thousands
I completed the Master Reading Teacher of struggling readers on their path to
course, and trained through Neuhaus to reading with pride and joy. Living in the
learn the beginning phases of a child’s age of information, reading will remain
journey to learn to read. In my quest for an essential skill for success in a person’s
more knowledge, I was guided in the life. I hope this digital edition will help
direction of dyslexia, taking the required parents and their children to open a door
training to be qualified as a teacher for to a wonderland of reading.
dyslexia children. This training piqued
my interest to learn more about the With Love,
way the brain learns to read which led Antoinette Swaney