Page 6 - Teaching Reading With Heart
P. 6

New Age Student

        “Educating the mind without educating  in a child’s brain today have been ignited.
              the heart is no education at all”                It cannot be helped with technology

                             Aristotle                         changing every minute of the day. This
                                                               is not the mind of a student of the late

        I am taking this opportunity to give                   twentieth century, but yet the education
        tools to those parents, guardians,                     system has not caught up to the needs of
        grandparents, and teachers that                        children. Oh, they have put technology

        have made the decision to continue                     in the classroom and called that an
        homeschooling in the fall. With an                     upgrade to the 21st century. What they

        unknown future, the rumblings I am                     have missed is engaging this newly
        hearing tell me there will be a definite               rewired brain into the real world of 21st
        increase in homeschooling. I happily                   century learning.

        use this opportunity to share a little of
        what worked for me in my multisensory                  I saw this in my classroom, and I see it

        reading classroom.                                     in my granddaughters. What adult over
                                                               the age of 45 has not marveled at, a six-
        Times have changed, but the education                  year-old giving them a lesson on how to

        system has not. New cerebral pathways                  maneuver in the world of technology.
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