Page 10 - January 2021
P. 10

Expect the Unexpected

        Mars with Uranus in Aries                              Probably one of the most important

        The recent Mar’s ingress in Aries                      planetary combinations of 2021 is the
        occurred on December 23.  It will stay                 Mars-Uranus conjunction.  Although the

        in Aries till February 21.  The transit                close conjunction occurs during January
        of Mars in the sidereal Aries is likely to             14-26, but its effects will last through
        dominate the headlines for January and                 February 21.

        February, especially for January when
        it closely conjuncts (within 3 degrees)                Aries is very suitable for independent,

        the most powerful fiery planet, Uranus                 ambitious, energetic, impulsive
        during January 14-26.                                  and crazy Uranus. The changes in
                                                               world political landscape have been

        Mars is the planet of action, energy                   tremendously influenced by Uranus’s
        and strength. When Mars is in Aries,                   transit in Aries (Brexit’s revival, Britain

        it loves to rule, lead and dominate                    intensely suffering from Covid-19 crisis,
        the surroundings.  Thus, for fiery and                 inauguration of president-elect Joe Biden
        action oriented dominating planet                      as the next President of the United States

        like Mars, it’s the perfect setting to                 of America, etc.,). Now combine the
        “explode” with tremendous strength.                    Uranus’s energy with that of explosive

        And the manifestation of that energy                   and impulsive Mars - it’s a perfect recipe
        will be reflected in both the material and  for disaster if these energies are not
        spiritual levels with tremendous ups and  properly aligned. The rising Covid-19

        downs that will be intensely felt by the               saga in Britain and the political divide
        entire world, especially by the military               in the United States will certainly make

        personnel, sportsmen, warriors, fighters,  big headlines during January, especially
        commanders, leaders in almost every                    during January 14-26 period.
        field (especially in politics and business).

        Also, the transit of Mars means volatility  The people who are most affected by
        in international as well as in national                this conjunction are military personnel,

        politics and in the financial markets.                 people in power such as business leaders

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