Page 9 - January 2021
P. 9
during this period the influence 2021 and during 2022.
of contemporary philosophers on
society will shape the future direction Since Jupiter will be in Capricorn along
of our social evolution through the with Saturn and Pluto, the possibilities
philosophical and metaphysical debates. of a severe religious or morality crisis as
In general, the Capricorn Jupiter is well as judiciary and financial crisis are
known to be responsible for world very likely. Certainly, the way we have
economic expansion. the religious and morality-based norms
today will be challenged by the new forces
The transit of Jupiter in Aquarius is very of human evolution. The world financial
important and positive for spiritual markets will exhibit unprecedented
expansion. The emergence of new volatility. The judiciary systems all around
philosophy will shed the light on new the world are likely to be challenged. The
wave of livings and understanding of the contemporary philosophers, reformers,
world. Because Aquarius being the sign industrialists, scientists, and all those who
of universal love and collective progress, have power to influence world with their
progressive ideas will likely to dominate unique intelligence-based talents will
the world, especially after November enjoy this period to its fullest. 9