Page 7 - January 2021
P. 7
also about how we prioritize our quality of perceptions and consciousness. The
life and spend time accordingly. Covid-19 pandemic may continue on
and off throughout the year but likely
Since the beginning of Pluto’s entry in to be subsiding as the year progresses.
sidereal Capricorn last February (and However, a possibility of an emergence of
thus the pandemic), some of the world a similar crisis certainly exists, as a part
business leaders or companies have of Capricorn Pluto’s continuous process
become obsolete or transformed into of material transformation.
other forms reflecting the material way
of living has been greatly influenced by The world financial markets will likely to
our collective spiritual experiences and be very volatile throughout this year.
subsequent understanding of the world
due to Pluto’s transformational transit. In scientific and technological areas, a lot
of drastic changes and emerging of new
However, this wonderful process of ideas will find their ways into innovations
spiritual transformational growth and discoveries that are aligned with our
is likely to be accompanied by very collective spiritual progress, as those (new
painful, chaotic and frustrating ideas) will be more focused in areas that
human experiences (wars, violence, will bridge the gap between the science
terrorism, social and political conflicts, and morality. The likely areas of research
natural and man-made calamities are will be in biotechnology, medicine,
some of the few examples) required spiritual healing, and life-force related
to completely annihilate our present activities. A new wave of philosophers
social norms and our prejudice-based with their new perspectives on living,
conditioning, resulting in drastic changes in general, will certainly transform our
in our collective moral and spiritual world to a new level of understanding. 7