Page 20 - May 2021
P. 20
8. Avoid alcohol, excessive caffeine, other skin conditions are Neem, Aloe
and carbonated drinks – drink 6 to 8 vera, Amalaki, Rose, Sandalwood, and
cups of warm water with a splash of lime Licorice. Topical preparations of one
(which is cooling, unlike lemon) or drink or more these herbs in coconut oil are
caffeine-free chai with cardamom in it. also beneficial. Eating fresh ginger and
turmeric is always good to clear toxins
9. Don’t withhold natural urges – by all and maintain good digestion. A topical
means, use the bathroom, sneeze, burp paste made of Neem, Turmeric, Aloe
and don’t hold urges in on any account! vera and Tea tree oil can be applied to
lesions and covered up with gauze and
10. Avoid exposure to allergen triggers medical tape. Be careful – turmeric
and unwanted chemicals – anything that is a wonderful anti-inflammatory
can aggravate eczema should be kept at herb but can stain your clothing and
bay, including pollens, plants, medications, surroundings yellow! Finally, blood
etc. Use fragrance and dye-free laundry and liver purifiers such as Manjishta,
detergents, shampoos and soaps. Saariva, Triphala, Punarnava, and
Bhringaraj, get to the source and root
HERBAL REMEDIES FOR ECZEMA: out eczema or atopic dermatitis. While
ayurvedic herbs are considered safer
Ayurvedic herbs which lower Pitta than allopathic medications, they may
and are helpful for treating eczema and still have side effects; long-term use is