Page 22 - May 2021
P. 22
Astrological Insights for May 2021 Overview
As May begins with a fast-approaching 15 minutes. A partial eclipse will be
close Uranus-Saturn square within about visible in part of Western US, Western
two degrees and about a degree by the South America and South-East Asia.
end of the month, the severity of the For those who have the lunar nodes in
square would certainly be reflected in conjunction with either Sun or Moon
material world disasters including both in their natal charts and have sidereal
the natural and man-made calamities Taurus or Scorpio rising or Taurus or
such as a possible outbreak and Scorpio as moon sign, might want to lay
spreading of a new virus (especially in back. It’s probably not a good day. Take
India), natural disasters due to abnormal extra precaution and avoid any sort of
weather conditions all around the world. new activity or new venture during the
Unless these energies are properly eclipse. More on this is detailed below.
understood, the man-made calamities
might include increased friction between On May 30, the planet Mercury becomes
world powers (USA-Russia and China) retrograde in Gemini. This is not a good
perhaps resulting into war-like climate. time to start a new project or venture,
More on this is detailed below. but rather reflect on what’s been done so
far. Also, this is the best time to declutter
Towards the end of May (May 26) a and do other chores that you have been
short lived total lunar eclipse occurs that postponing due to lack of time. More on
would be visible in Australia for about this is detailed below.
Saturn-Uranus Square (January 18 - July 19)
One of the most important and ambitious, energetic, impulsive and crazy
challenging planetary combinations of Uranus. The changes in world political
2021 is the Capricorn Saturn and Aries landscape have been tremendously
Uranus square during January 18 thru influenced by Uranus’s transit in Aries.
July 19 and then during the entire month
of December 2021. Now combine the Uranus’s energy
with that of steadfast and subtle but
Aries being a fire and cardinal sign is very powerful energy of Capricorn
very suitable for brilliant, independent, Saturn through its challenging square
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