Page 26 - May 2021
P. 26
Global Predictions........
The important challenging possibilities are willing to be open minded and ready
for May include: to listen and act on new and fresh ideas
April 28 - May 6: A social as well as without losing morality, are the ones that
economic turmoil in Russia and China. going to be responsible to guide people.
Eastern European countries are also Others are likely to fade away with time.
likely to be negatively influenced by May 12-18: Religions around the world
this planetary configuration. Covert are likely to find difficulty in carrying
activities around the world may find out their activities. More controversies
a new momentum (but because of are likely to occur to test traditional
Neptune’s secretive character we may moral values, and in general, religious
never know) with regard to terrorism authorities will have difficulty in having
and other international conflicts. people keep their faith.
May 2 - July 3: An outbreak of violence May 14-16: A short term but very
and terrorist activities in Middle-East, intensive friction between India and
a strong possibility of natural as well Pakistan is likely. Violence, especially
as man-made calamities, and to some in Middle-East area, will be on rise.
extent, war-like climate in some part of Outbreak of an undesirable happening,
the world. Tension between Israelis and and also, strong occurrences of both
Palestinians will remain unabated. Some natural and man-made calamities are
of the east-European countries, Russia, real possibilities.
and China may experience political as May 14-20: Rise in violence in the United
well as social turmoil. States besides the volatile region of the
May 4-10: World religions are likely to be Middle-East (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria,
challenged with earthshaking ideas that Iraq, Iran, Israel and Palestine). Also,
they must attend to. New controversial the United States and particularly the
issues will take the central stage in the President Biden and his administration
religious world. Religious leaders are should take extra precaution in dealing
going to be put on the test. Those who with foreign matters.