Page 23 - May 2021
P. 23
with Uranus. This combination creates The characteristics of Uranus are closely
“perfect” opportunities for material tied with that of the United States
world disasters including the natural as a country (especially the states of
calamities such as a possible outbreak California, Oregon and Washington),
and spreading of a new virus. Unless the likelihood of serious natural and
these energies are properly understood, man-made calamities, political and
the man-made turmoils might include financial upheavals is strong in the
increased friction between world powers country as a whole and the above
(USA-Russia and China) perhaps mentioned states in particular.
resulting into war-like climate.
Since characteristics of Uranus are more
The people who are likely to be most aligned with liberal ideas and that of
affected by this square are military Saturn with conservatism, I wouldn’t be
personnel, people in power such as surprised if an intense battle emerges
business leaders and political leaders. In between the right wing republicans
scientific and technological areas expect and the left wing democrats not only in
drastic changes. On a positive note, congress but all over the country that
emerging new ideas will find their ways might last through July.
into innovations and discoveries.
A Total Lunar Eclipse (May 26)
A total lunar eclipse occurs on May 26, zodiac sign Scorpio and the ascending
approximately during the hours of 9:00 node Rahu in Taurus. Consequently this
to 13:00 GMT. This eclipse will be visible eclipse, according to Vedic astrology, is
in Australia for about 15 minutes. A likely to be unfavorable for those who
partial eclipse will be visible in part of have sidereal Taurus or Scorpio rising or
Western US, Western South America and Taurus or Scorpio as moon sign.
South-East Asia.
For those who have the lunar nodes in
The Sun will be with Rahu (the north conjunction with either Sun or Moon
lunar node) and Moon will be with Ketu in their natal charts, should watch-out.
(the south lunar node) within 5 degrees. It’s probably not a good day. Take extra
The eclipse will occur with the Southern precaution and avoid any sort of new
or descending node Ketu, in the sidereal activity or new venture during the eclipse. 23 23