Page 5 - May 2021
P. 5
Most researchers and doctors agree that keywords will lead to this relatively new
one of the primary causes of virtually all approach to medicine that looks for the
diseases is chronic INFLAMMATION. root causes of disease rather than just
Inflammation is now considered to be treating the symptoms. Nothing in this
a major contributor, if not the cause, of article should be construed as medical
cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, advice or diagnoses.
high blood pressure, dementia, Alzheimer’s
disease, migraines, asthma and other What causes inflammation?
respiratory diseases, obesity and inordinate
weight gain, psoriasis and eczema, First, it should be noted that inflammation
irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, is not inherently bad as it is a natural
autoimmune disorders, multiple sclerosis and helpful immune response. However,
and other degenerative diseases, infections unremitting stress on the body, such as
and more! Inflammation is now recognized in the form of toxins or unhealthy foods
to be a contributing factor in depression, can cause inflammation to spiral out of
anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADD/ADHD, control, leading to disease.
schizophrenia, autism and other mental,
emotional and cognitive challenges. Here is a list of substances and co-
factors that trigger such inflammation:
The good news is that because
inflammation wreaks such havoc in so • Sugar – including high-fructose
many of our body’s and brain’s processes, corn syrup, sucrose, fructose, glucose,
reducing chronic inflammation can dextrose and maltose
have profound and far-reaching positive • Alcohol – the reason why alcohol is so
effects on our physical, cognitive addictive and toxic is that it turns into
and emotional health. Reducing sugar after ingestion
inflammation allows the body’s natural • Unhealthy fats such as partially
healing intelligence to work its magic. hydrogenated oils in baked goods,
omega-6-laden soy, sunflower, corn,
My intention here is to provide a cottonseed, safflower, canola and mixed
springboard from which to dive into vegetable oils. These oils become even
doing our own research. An internet more harmful when exposed to high heat
search with the words “inflammation” such as in deep fried foods.
along with a health condition or • Processed foods with chemical
substance mentioned in this article preservatives, and artificial colorings and
will conjure a wealth of informational flavors. These foods are also energetically
sources. Using “Functional Medicine” as “dead” and nearly devoid of useful nutrients. 55