Page 9 - May 2021
P. 9
an awakening to a new level of Harmony
One of the ego/mind’s favorite hiding and ultimately, Love and Liberation.
places is to set ourselves up for failure
by taking on too much and then feeling Mark Okita
victimized by circumstances or by our own Mark Okita is a born
weaknesses. Be wary of “brilliant ideas” energy healer and his
and mood swings of feeling overly inspired diverse life experiences
to do a complete and instant overhaul of have further expanded
our life. To be successful, it is best to select and refined those gifts.
just one change at a time and allow enough He trained for many years in the
time for this to unfold. Allow months, not martial arts with an emphasis on
days, for this to be completed before going meditation and cultivation of internal
on to the next item. For a total change of energy. Mark loves nature and has
diet and lifestyle allow two or three years, had wilderness experiences in Alaska,
not weeks or months. Arizona and Hawaii.
Success is more assured if we notice and His work experience has included
celebrate small incremental changes working in the HIV/AIDS social services
rather than pining for a goal that seems and medical fields. He has undergone
unattainable. Like the Tortoise and the extensive training in various forms
Hare, slow incremental progress gets us of body and energy healing, as well
to the goal. The Hare is the ego/mind as training and retreats pertaining
with all of its bright ideas fueled by to awakening human consciousness.
enticing images of an idealized outcome He has been on numerous group and
and quick fixes but with no real staying solitary retreats including a Self-directed
power. The Tortoise is the steady power 8-year retreat.
of the Soul, possessing the innate
intelligence of instinct. Everything has a Mark has been a healer on a professional
natural rhythm, and nothing is rushed. level since 1993 and has been doing
spiritually oriented Energy Work for the
In next month’s My Indigo Sun, we past 20 years. His specialty now is distance
will cover the exciting subject of healing and telephone sessions.
inflammation in consciousness. We will
explore how unease in consciousness
leads to disease of the body, not just
personally but collectively for all of Submit your questions
humanity. We will see how reducing
inflammation in this arena will facilitate 9