Page 12 - August 2023
P. 12

Reading the Labels

         Protecting Your Smile Naturally:

                            An Alternative to Commercial Toothpaste

        When it comes to oral hygiene, most                    Glycerin's Tooth Remineralization
        of us have been raised to believe that                 Interference:

        commercial toothpaste is the only                      Glycerin, commonly used in toothpaste
        option for maintaining healthy teeth.                  for texture and to prevent drying

        However, recent research has shed                      out, poses a concern for some dental
        light on the potential drawbacks of                    enthusiasts. It forms a coating on the
        using these products, raising concerns                 teeth that may hinder normal tooth

        about ingredients like fluoride,                       remineralization. While mainstream
        glycerin, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS),                 dentistry might not support the idea of

        and titanium dioxide. In this article,                 tooth remineralization, there are still
        we explore the problems associated                     concerns  suggesting that it is indeed
        with commercial toothpaste and offer                   possible. Thus, avoiding glycerin may

        a natural and effective alternative to                 be beneficial for those seeking natural
        promote dental health.                                 dental care solutions.

        Fluoride's Controversy:                                Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Gum
        Fluoride has long been touted as a cavity- Health:

        fighting ingredient in toothpaste, but                 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a
        growing evidence suggests it might not                 foaming agent found in numerous
        be as safe as once thought. Dozens of                  personal care products, including

        studies found links of fluoride exposure               toothpaste. However, its potential
        to lowered IQ in children, various                     adverse effects on oral health are

        health issues, including weakened                      concerning. Studies indicate that
        bones, thyroid suppression, lowered                    SLS increases gum inflammation

        metabolic function, and even dementia.                 and mouth ulcers. By opting for
        As consumers become more conscious of  SLS-free toothpaste, individuals can
        the potential risks, they seek alternatives  reduce the risk of experiencing these

        to fluoride-containing toothpaste.                     uncomfortable conditions.
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