Page 44 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 44
"Oh no! I can't miss the train. Not The vehicles were moving very fast.
on my last day before vacation. If I The driver noticed him running to
don't meet her today, I won't be the other side. He even applied the
able to talk to her more two whole brake. But it was too late. He was
months. I have to make it. I have to caught in an accident.
make it no matter what!"
People took him to a nearby
The traffic lights turned green. hospital but he lost his life even
Time for vehicles to move. He before reaching there.
The train came and left as usual.
"Not now" The girl also boarded the train as
usual. But that day she didn't find
him. She checked the other
compartments until Noire junction.
But he was nowhere to be found.
He was panicking. The train was Thus, a love story ended before it
about to arrive at the station. And even began! He was never able to
he hadn't even reached. convey his feelings to her. And she
would never be able to meet him
"This traffic light...." again. Wondering if he will ever
show up again, her life moved on.
He saw both sides. The vehicles
were coming, but were far away. He
paused for a moment. Then, he ran
as fast as he could to cross the road.
He didn't care over-running the
traffic light.
Unfortunately, he only saw the
Vipul Kumar
distance of the vehicles from him Mechanical Engineering
and not their speed.