Page 39 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 39
Now how to deal with HOW LONG SHOULD YOU TRY?
procrastination, Understand why
you are doing something? UNTIL YOU GET….
What is the meaning behind it? “WHEN YOU ARE PERSISTENT
What this work can give you in ARE CONSISTENT YOU CAN
the future? KEEP IT.”
Are you really interested in it or
doing it halfheartedly?
Ask yourself these questions.
When we find we love what we do,
go for how to do it interestingly,
just as our parents hears songs
when they work, We can enjoy the
things we do. Just as a student
learning the subject without
focusing on marks, you will see Keep your motives pasted in a
that your time flows in involving table or desk or in the place you
yourself with the subject. Since will frequent , and constantly
we all are mostly associated with remind yourself about the works
things that we don’t love, we have you need to do along with why you
to find a solution. Most people need to do. When you know to
will start to watch their phone or handle procrastination and
TV when they begin to motivation in the same way, you
procrastinate. But believe it’s not are on the right path now.
going to worth a penny. They are
distractions. But when you start
to answer the questions that
procrastination asks, you will find
life. Put everything that comes to
your mind in a paper. Start to
solve this complex equation your
mind has. And when you find the
answer, remember to make a note
Sri Saipriya R
of it, and keep it with you every ECE
time you get distracted. We are 2020-24
humans. As procrastination is an
emotion, even motivation is also
an emotion. It will fade away
soon. So if you want to stay
focused , constantly try to bring