Page 35 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 35

The Quiz Division -

                                  From dreams to reality!

                   “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can
                                              change the world.”
                                                          ― N.H. Kleinbaum, Dead Poets Society

               You  might  wonder,  why  I
                                                                I sighed with relief, “At the very
             started  with  this  quote.  “What
                                                               least,  we  would  be  able  to  climb
             significance does this possess?”.
                                                               up  the  podium!”,  I  said  to
             I  will  explain  it  as  I  guide  you
             through  my  anecdote.  Why,  yes,
             it is an anecdote, what were you
                                                               Days went by, and the day of the
             expecting?          Alright,       enough
                                                               Curioso Valedictory Ceremony
             gibberish, here we move into the
                                                               had finally arrived. I was quite
                                                               fortunate to be able to work with

                                                               the props team of the play, The
               It  was  at  this  time  last  year,
                                                               Importance of Being Earnest, by
             when  all  us  third  years  were
                                                               Oscar Wilde. Staging plays every
             filled  with  a  rush  of  adrenaline.
                                                               year has been an integral part of
             What  for,  one  might  ask?  Of
                                                               The Literary Club.
             course,  it  was  the  time  when
             Curioso – 2023 was happening. It
             might  not  be  a  big  deal  for  a
             random  person,  but  for  people

             like  us,  who  have  had  the
             Literary  Club  as  an  escape  from
             reality,  it  was  quite  a  big  deal.
             Every single department wanted
             to  get  their  hands  on  the
                                                               It  was  showtime,  and  the  play
             Departmental                  Champions
                                                               was  staged,  and  with  a  standing
                                                               ovation  from  the  crowd,  we  all
                                                               felt  the  pride  coursing  through
               The  events  got  over  and  the
                                                               us,  after  successfully  pulling  it
             groups  were  dry  for  a  whole
                                                               off.  And  with  the  play  done  and
             week, and we had lost hope. And
                                                               dusted,          the          valedictory
             then  came  the  light.  I  was
                                                               ceremony began, and we got our
             reading  through  the  scores  and
                                                               hands on the Runners-up shield.
             then  familiar  words  popped  up!
                                                               Felt  very  proud  to  keep  our
             The  Department  of  Chemical
                                                               position  as  the  Runners-up  for
             Engineering,  had  been  named
                                                               two consecutive years.
             the Runners-up.

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