Page 37 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 37

connecting           former        POTUS          Captain  is  stepping  down  from
             Donald  Trump  and  Pizza.  The                   the  wheel.  Without  her,  we
             day  finally  arrived,  and  we  were             wouldn’t  have  had  our  journeys,
             waiting  outside  the  Auditorium                 passing  through  the  tavern  of
             seminar  hall  gates,  waiting  for               The  Literary  Club.  Seeing  her
             the     participants.        The      clock       leave  the  wheel  that  she  helmed
             struck  1:30  p.m.  but  there  were              with  poise  and  grace,  is  quite
             only  three  teams.  As  we  stood                difficult  for  us  to  digest,  but

             outside,  waiting  for  a  miracle  to            them’s the breaks.
             happen.  Well,  well,  what  do  you
             know? People started to flood in,                      “O Captain! My Captain!
             and       within       moments,          the
             seminar  hall  was  already  full
             with participants.
               We  had  a  blast  conducting  the
             events.  Best  thing  that  could
             ever happen to us. So many good
             memories  were  made  that  day.  I
             will never forget how Manoj and
             Gokul  tried  to  sneak  out  a  few
             chocolates          for      themselves.
             Anyways,  we  snuck  out  a  few
             later  that  day.  With  immense
             joy,  we  successfully  wound-up
                                                               By  the  time  this  magazine  is
             the events for Curioso 2024.
                                                               published,  a  new  set  of  Office
               While  I’m  writing  this,  the
                                                               bearers  would  be  getting  set  to
             Curioso  Valedictory  Function  –
                                                               carry  forward  the  torch  of  The
             2024  is  just  around  the  corner,
                                                               Literary        Club.        To       those
             and  it’s  about  time  we  leave  the
                                                               enterprising individuals who are
             podium to the future generation.
                                                               reading this, never stop to live to
             And its also the time, our
                                                               your  fullest,  fall  down,  stand  up
                                                               strong.  We  entrust  you  with  the
                                                               Club’s     future.      Don’t      fail   to
                                                               amuse  us!  Can’t  end  without  a
                                                               proper  conclusion  now,  can  I?
                                                               Let me do so with another quote
                                                               from  The  Dead  Poets  society.
                                                               One last time.

                                 Rishi S                       “Carpe  Diem,  seize  the  day
                           Chemical Engineering
                                (2020-24)                      boys,        make         your        lives

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