Page 41 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 41

The Accident

            The  first  day  of  college.  He  was            He  got  down  at  the  station.  The

            late.  Running  as  fast  as  he  could,          girl was still on the train.
            he entered the station. In a hurry,
            he  took  the  ticket  to  his  train.            "I  guess  she  has  to  go  ahead.
            After  all,  his  college  was  in  the           Anyways, I am late. Got to run."
            next city. It took thirty minutes by
            train. He rushed to the platform as               He  dashed  down  the  station  to
            fast  as  he  could.  Still,  luck  didn't        reach his college.
            favour  him.  The  train  left  right  in
            front of his eyes.                                From  the  next  day,  he  started

                                                              coming  up  early.  But  not  to  catch
            "Oh! I wish I was a little faster."               his  usual  train.  He  waited  for  the

                                                              next train that was twenty minutes
            Having  no  other  choice,  he  went              later. He would get on it. He would
            back  to  the  ticket  counter  and               patiently  wait  for  the  girl.  He

            bought  a  new  ticket  for  the  next            would  secretly  try  to  see  her  in  a
            train.  The  next  train  was  twenty             way  she  does  not  notice.  And
            minutes later.                                    would  always  get  down  at  Noire
                                                              junction wondering where she was
            "Damn! I will be late for sure."                  going. And then, he would dash to
                                                              his  classes  in  a  hurry.  No  matter
            He     boarded        the     next     train.     how  many  times  his  professor
            Standing  near  to  the  door,  he  was           would scold him for being late.
            impatiently waiting for his station.
            The  train  stopped  at  some  station
            in the middle.

            As the gate opened, a girl entered
            the  cabin.  He  was  mesmerized.
            She was the most stunning lady he
            had      ever     met      in     his    life.
            Unconsciously,  he  started  staring
            at her. She looked towards him. In

            embarrassment,  he  turned  his                   Doesn't  matter  he  had  to  stand
            face.                                             outside  his  class  for  the  1st
                                                              lecture.  He  would  deliberately
            "Oh  god!  I  hope  she  doesn't  think           take  that  train  which  was  twenty
            that I am a freak."                               minutes later.
                                                              The  college  announced  that  their
            "Next stop, Noire junction."                      summer  vacations  would  start
                                                              from 20th May.
            "Oh no! That's my stop."

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