Page 34 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 34

Sometimes  the  Arhiyal  gave  us                 The  last  few  lines  of  the  poem
             back                                              emphasize  that  the  faces  of
             the  naked,  swollen  bodies,  the                those  who  were  wronged  will  be
             faces                                             remembered and there will come
             eaten by fish. We hold on                         a time for change.
             to red, the color of their saris,
             the  marriage  mark  on  their
             we hold it carefully inside
             our blue skulls.

             Today’s       world       shares      eerie
             similarities  with  what  the  poem
             highlights,  where  the  majority

             suffer  while  a  privileged  few
             benefit from the same situation.                  The  change  that  a  student  can
             The reporting of several cases of                 bring  about  as  a  citizen  of  this
             assault      indicates        a    general        country is to be politically aware
             dearth of safety for citizens. The                of  the  goings-on  around  them
             government's  response  to  such                  and  cast  their  votes  instead  of
             cases  has  been  defensive,  and                 feigning       ignorance        at    their
             quite  often,  the  victims  are                  presumption                of         their
             blamed  for  false  accusations                   inconsequential  role  as  electors
             instead  of  addressing  the  actual              in  a  nation  of  nine  hundred
             issue.           Meanwhile               the      million.      When        you     do     so,
             perpetrators  of  such  heinous                   remember  the  faces  of  those
             crimes  are  free  to  roam  in  this             that  were  killed  because  of
             society,  threatening  people  into               injustice  and  the  ones  who
             staying  silent.  It  is  a  sorry  state         underwent  physical  and  mental
             of  affairs  that  in  the  current               abuse  that  scarred  them  for  a
             scenario, women safety becomes                    lifetime.  This  time,  Indigo  has
             questionable  and  even  little                   the power to change the country

             children aren't spared.                           for the better.

                                                        Nappinnai V

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