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space-themed                  adventures.         exploration  of  darker  themes,
             Moonraker                   incorporated          complex  characterization  of  the
             elements  of  space  exploration,                 antagonist         (Javier       Bardem's
             futuristic  technology,  and  epic                Silva),  and  a  more  introspective
             space  battles  into  the  Bond                   look  at  the  psychological  aspects
             franchise.  The  film's  producers                of  being  a  hero.  Like  Nolan’s
             had  originally  intended  to  adapt              Batman,  Mendes  redefines  the
             For  Your  Eyes  Only,  but  chose                character  in  the  context  of  the
             Moonraker  owing  to  the  rise  of               modern  world.  M  spends  most  of
             the  science  fiction  genre  in  the             the movie trying to justify Bond’s
             wake        of     the      Star       Wars       existence  in  a  world  of  cyber-
             phenomenon.                                       terrorism  and  sub-committees.

                                                               The  structure  of  Skyfall  is  also
                                                               occasionally a bit too close to that
                                                               of  The  Dark  Knight.  This  is
                                                               especially  true  in  the  second  act,
                                                               when  Silva  is  captured  by  our
                                                               heroes  and  interrogated,  only  for
                                                               our heroes to realise too late that
                                                               it  was  a  set-up,  similar  to  the
                                                               iconic                     Batman-Joker
             The  Bourne  Films  and  "Casino                  interrogation sequence.
             Royale"  (2006)  /  "Quantum  of
             Solace" (2008): The Jason Bourne
             films,  known  for  their  gritty
             realism       and      intense       action
             sequences,  influenced  the  reboot
             of  the  Bond  franchise  starting
             with  Casino  Royale.  These  films
             adopted        a     more        grounded

             approach  to  espionage,  featuring
             a      vulnerable          yet       skilled      "Endgame" (2019) and "No Time
             protagonist        in   Daniel      Craig's       to  Die"  (2021):  No  Time  to  Die
             Bond,  similar  to  the  portrayal  of            was  released  after  the  success  of
             Jason Bourne by Matt Damon.                       Avengers: Endgame and while the
                                                               specific  influence  may  not  be
             "The  Dark  Knight"  (2008)  and                  directly  evident,  the  impact  of
             "Skyfall"  (2012):  Skyfall  was                  blockbuster  superhero  films  on
             influenced  by  the  success  of                  audience  expectations  for  epic
             Christopher  Nolan's  The  Dark                   scale, emotional depth, and
             Knight, particularly in its

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