Page 27 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 27

In the sea of extraordinary artists,              discovered        the      richness       of

             one in particular, Shreya Ghoshal,                multilingual songs, expanding my
             has  left  an  indelible  mark  on  my            appreciation        for     the     world's
             life.  Shreya  Ghoshal's  celestial               diverse musical tapestry.
             melodies became the guiding light
             of my life's soundtrack.                          After  years  of  admiring  her
                                                               artistry, I find myself on the cusp
                                                               of  my  own  musical  journey,  a
                                                               place I once thought unattainable
                                                               - a budding singer with dreams as
                                                               lofty as the notes Shreya Ghoshal
                                                               effortlessly reaches.

                                                               Inspired      by     her     talent     and
                                                               dedication,  I  aspire  to  follow  in
                                                               her  footsteps,  honing  my  craft
                                                               with  each  passing  day.  With  her
             With each note, her magical voice                 as  my  guiding  star,  I  embark  on
             whisked  me  away  to  ethereal                   this  path  with  determination,

             realms,      enveloping        me     in    a     hoping to someday capture even a
             serenity  that  knew  no  bounds.                 fraction  of  the  magic  she  so
             Beyond        her     music,      Shreya's        effortlessly conjures.
             persona        radiated       inspiration,
             empowering  me  with  the  courage
             to  share  my  own  voice  with  the
             world. Her influence transcended
             mere  songs,  shaping  not  just  my
             musical  journey,  but  instilling  in
             me  a  newfound  confidence  to
             embrace  the  joy  of  singing  cine
             melodies publicly. Through her, I

                                                        Athmavidya V
                                                   Mechatronics Engineering

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