Page 31 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 31

interconnected  storytelling  likely
             played  a  role  in  shaping  the
             narrative approach of No Time to

                                                               The  James  Bond  franchise  has
                                                               navigated  through  decades  of
                                                               cultural      shifts,     adapting        its
                                                               storytelling  and  characters  to
                                                               reflect  changing  public  attitudes

             A  retired  hero  who  gets  pulled               and  political  correctness.  While
             back into his past and is reluctant               the  core  elements  of  Bond's
             about  coming  back,  but  there                  character       remain      iconic,      the
             comes  a  point  where  he  doesn’t               evolution        of     the      franchise
             hesitate to risk his life because he              highlights  the  ongoing  dialogue
             wants  his  daughter  to  live  in  a             between artistic freedom, societal
             safer world.                                      expectations,  and  the  need  for
             .                                                 inclusivity  and  representation  in
                                                               popular media.

                                                       Manoj Kumar P
                                                   Mechatronics Engineering

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