Page 28 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 28

James Bond: Demand and Supply

             Introduction                                      prevalent in the 1960s and 1970s.
             The  character  of  James  Bond,                  The female characters were often

             created  by  author  Ian  Fleming  in             glamorous, seductive women who
             1953, has become one of the most                  were  romantically  involved  with
             iconic  figures  in  popular  culture.            James  Bond.  They  were  typically
             Bond  is  a  British  secret  service             depicted as damsels in distress or
             agent  known  for  his  charm,  wit,              femme  fatales,  adding  to  the
             and     skill    in    espionage        and       intrigue  and  danger  of  Bond's
             combat.       The      character        first     missions.
             appeared        in    Fleming's       novel
             "Casino  Royale"  and  has  since                 Overall,  the  female  characters  in
             been adapted into a long-running                  earlier  Bond  films  were  often
             film franchise that has captivated                defined  by  their  relationship  to
             audiences worldwide.                              Bond       and       served        specific
                                                               narrative  purposes,  ranging  from
                                                               romantic        interests        to     plot

                                                               Public  Attitude  and  Political

                                                               In  response  to  calls  for  greater
                                                               sensitivity  and  inclusivity,  the
                                                               Bond  franchise  has  made  efforts
                                                               to modernize its storytelling. This
                                                               includes       introducing        stronger
             James Bond and the Bond Girls                     female  characters  who  are  more
             Since  the  release  of  the  first               than  just  romantic  interests  or
             James  Bond  film,  "Dr.  No,"  in                sidekicks,  as  seen  in  the  Pierce
             1962,  the  franchise  has  evolved               Brosnan  and  Daniel  Craig  Bond
             significantly.  Initially  portrayed              films.  The  portrayal  of  Bond
             by  Sean  Connery,  Bond  was                     himself  has  also  evolved,  with
             characterized          as      a     suave,       Daniel       Craig's      interpretation
             womanizing          spy      who      often       showcasing a more vulnerable and
             engaged  in  violence  and  enjoyed               emotionally  complex  take  on  the

             the  finer  things  in  life.  The  early         character.
             films     were     reflective      of    the      As    the     decades       passed,      the
             cultural  attitudes  of  the  time,               portrayal of Bond began to shift in
             with  Bond  embodying  a  sense  of               response  to  criticisms  of  sexism,
             masculine idealism that was                       misogyny, and outdated gender

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