Page 50 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 50

True Friendship

             A person is acquainted with many                  loyal  and  get  loyalty  in  return.
             individuals in their life. However,               There is no greater feeling in the
             the  closest  ones  become  our                   world than a friend who is loyal to
             friends.  You  may  have  a  large                you.
             friend  circle  in  school  or  college,
             but  you  know  you  can  only  count             Friendship       is    very     important
             on  one  or  two  people  with  whom              because  it  teaches  us  a  lot  about
             you share true friendship.                        life.  We  learn  so  many  lessons
             There are essentially two types of                that  we  would  not  get  anywhere

             friends,  one  is  good  friends  the             else.  You  learn  to  love  someone
             other  are  true  friends  or  best               other than your family. You know
             friends.  They’re  the  ones  with                how  to  put  on  a  show  in  front  of
             whom  we  have  a  special  bond  of              friends.
             love and affection. In other words,
             having  a  true  friend  makes  our
             lives easier and full of happiness.
             Six        qualities          of        true
             1.    Prioritizes      spending        time
             2. Accepts you for who you are
             3. Offers unwavering support
             4. Encourages you to be your best

             5. Is honest and trustworthy
             6.  Can  always  bring  some  cheer
             and positivity

             Friendship never leaves us in bad                 Friendship  is  one  of  the  greatest
             times.  We  learn  to  understand                 bonds anyone can wish for. Lucky
             people and trust others. Our true                 are  those  who  have  friends  they
             friends  will  always  inspire  and               can  rely  on.  Friendship  is  a
             encourage  us.  They  will  guide  us             committed  relationship  between
             on  the  right  path  and  protect  us            two  individuals.  They  both  feel
             from any evil.                                    immense  care  and  love  towards
                                                               each  other.  Generally,  friendship
             Friendship  also  teaches  us  a  lot             is shared by two people who have
             about loyalty. It helps us to be                  similar interests and feelings.

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