Page 52 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 52

The Unsung Heroes: A Heartfelt

                  Look into the Lives of the Indian Army

             Nestled  in  the  heart  of  India's              Behind       the     camouflage         and
             diverse  tapestry  lies  a  force  like           medals  are  faces  of  real  people  –
             no other – the Indian Army. Much                  sons,  daughters,  brothers,  and
             more         than       a      uniformed          sisters  –  who  hail  from  diverse
             institution,       it     is    a     living      backgrounds,           cultures,        and
             embodiment of courage, sacrifice,                 corners of the country. The Indian
             and  an  unwavering  commitment                   Army  is  a  melting  pot  of  dreams
             to the nation's safety. Established               and          aspirations,            where
             in  1895,  the  Indian  Army  has                 individuals  come  together,  not
             grown into a family of protectors,                just  for  a  job,  but  for  a  shared
             with  a  history  rich  in  stories  of           purpose.          The        recruitment

             valour  and  selfless  service  that              process,  rigorous  as  it  is,  brings
             touch  the  hearts  of  every  citizen.           forth not just soldiers but a close-
             Trace  the  footsteps  of  the  Indian            knit  family,  bound  by  a  common
             Army, and you will find a tale that               oath.     In    the     era     of    rapid
             weaves  through  the  pages  of                   technological  advancement,  the
             history.  From  the  times  of  the               Indian  Army  is  not  just  about
             British     Indian      Army       to    the      boots  on  the  ground,  but  a
             present,         the        army         has      commitment  to  staying  ahead  of
             transformed  into  a  guardian  that              the  curve.  The  soldiers  are  more
             stands  tall,  protecting  its  people            than  just  warriors;  they  are  tech-
             with  a  sense  of  duty  ingrained  in           savvy  guardians,  equipped  with
             its very essence. The echoes of its               cutting-edge          weaponry          and
             bravery  resonate  through  the                   communication           systems.        The
             stories  of  wars,  conflicts,  and               blend of tradition and technology

             peacekeeping                      missions        is  a  testament  to  the  adaptability
             worldwide.                                        of the force.

                                                                                Tunir Wabhitkar
                                                                             Mechanical Engineering

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