Page 51 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 51

So,  there  is  no  doubt  that  best             Later,       Friendship          Day       is
             friends  help  us  in  our  difficulties          celebrated  on  the  first  Sunday  of
             and bad times of life. They always                August  each  year  in  six  qualities
             try to protect us from dangers and                of true friendship. However, some
             also  give  timely  advice.  True                 countries  may  observe  it  on
             friends       are     like     the      best      different dates
             possession  of  our  life  because                You can message your best friend.
             they share our sorrow, soothe our                 ,

             pain and make us feel happy.

                                                               “I  find  myself  extremely  lucky  to
                                                               have a friend like you who is much
                                                               more  than  a  friend  to  me,  who  is
                                                               my     life….     Warm        wishes      on
             Friendship          Day       was       first     Friendship Day.”
             proposed  in  Paraguay  in  1958  by
             Joyce  Hall.  It  was  a  holiday
             involving       the     celebration        of
             friendships        through      a    global

             holiday.  The  original  date  of
             celebration         was       2     August
             However,            due        to        de-
             synchronization  in  the  United
             States,  it  has  been  moved  to
             August 7.

                                                         Raj Kumar
                                                   Mechatronics Engineering

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