Page 28 - Hopwell Presentation (Issue) 08-02-2021
P. 28

 Evaluating a planning strategy
Speculative planning application – outline, all matters reserved
Not constrained by local plan timescales i.e. could be progressed pre-2023
Little prospect of securing permission in Green Belt
Risk of call-in - local support could be overruled by central Government
Local plan promotion to secure allocation
Establishes the principle of development (number of homes, Green Belt boundaries etc.) to provide investment and planning certainty
Erewash commencing local plan review now – so can influence spatial strategy at the outset
Time frame tied to Local Plan so at risk of delay
Site will be considered in alongside many alternatives which may be deemed to perform better
Twin-tracked local plan promotion and outline planning application
Secures advantages of plan-led approach but mitigates some of the risks associated with not being in control of timeframes i.e. prospect of planning application shows intent to Erewash
Potentially abortive costs associated with preparing a planning application alongside making Local Plan representations Timescales of planning application tied to Local Plan examination timescale
Twin-tracked local plan promotion and outline planning application with infrastructure in detail
Provide greater certainty of delivery by signalling market confidence
Greater costs associated with detailed part of application
Potential reduction in flexibility for future delivery
Alternative consenting route e.g. LDO
Provides greater certainty of delivery than standard planning application by ceding some control to local authority
Does not overcome Green Belt hurdle – still reliant on Local Plan change
Limited take up in for large scale new communities
More upfront work needed than standard planning application
Even if granted, risk of revoke by LPA or Government

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